Achieve Smooth, Hair-Free Skin with Laser Hair Removal at Citrine Med Spa in Lincoln, Nebraska



Are you tired of the constant battle with unwanted hair? Shaving, waxing, and plucking can be time-consuming and often result in temporary solutions. If you’re seeking a long-lasting and effective method for hair removal, look no further than Citrine Med Spa in Lincoln, Nebraska. We offer advanced laser hair removal treatments using the state-of-the-art Motus laser, a high-tech, painless solution that is FDA-approved for all skin types. Say goodbye to razors and hello to smooth, hair-free skin with the best laser hair removal option available.

Understanding Laser Hair Removal:

Laser hair removal is a safe and highly effective method for reducing unwanted hair on various parts of the body. It works by targeting the hair follicles with concentrated light energy, which is absorbed by the pigment in the hair, ultimately disabling the follicle and preventing future hair growth. Laser hair removal provides long-lasting results and can effectively treat large areas, such as the legs, back, chest, and bikini line, as well as smaller areas like the upper lip and underarms.

Introducing the Motus Laser: A Breakthrough in Hair Removal Technology:

At Citrine Med Spa, we are proud to offer our clients the Motus laser, a cutting-edge technology that revolutionizes the laser hair removal experience. The Motus laser is renowned for its exceptional results and versatility, making it the go-to choice for hair removal on all skin types.

What sets the Motus laser apart is its ability to deliver a unique combination of high-power and high-speed pulses. This innovative technology allows for quick and efficient treatment sessions, reducing the time required for each session while maximizing effectiveness. The Motus laser also incorporates a cooling mechanism that ensures a painless and comfortable experience for our clients, even on more sensitive areas of the body.

Unmatched Safety and Effectiveness for All Skin Types:

One of the standout features of the Motus laser is its unparalleled safety profile for all skin types. Unlike traditional lasers that may pose risks for individuals with darker skin tones, the Motus laser’s advanced technology is specifically designed to safely and effectively target hair follicles while minimizing the risk of side effects, such as burns or pigmentation changes.

This means that individuals with fair, medium, or dark skin can confidently undergo laser hair removal at Citrine Med Spa, knowing they are in the hands of experienced professionals who utilize the safest and most effective technology available.

Why Choose the Motus Laser at Citrine Med Spa:

Citrine Med Spa is committed to providing our clients with the best possible laser hair removal experience. Here are some key reasons why the Motus laser stands out as the ideal choice for achieving smooth, hair-free skin:

  1. Versatility: The Motus laser can effectively treat all skin types and hair colors, offering a solution for individuals who were previously unable to undergo laser hair removal due to limitations of other technologies.
  2. Painless Treatment: The Motus laser’s integrated cooling system ensures a comfortable and virtually painless experience, even on sensitive areas of the body.
  3. Speed and Efficiency: The high-power and high-speed pulses of the Motus laser allow for shorter treatment sessions without compromising effectiveness, making it a time-efficient option for busy individuals.
  4. FDA-Approved Safety: The Motus laser is FDA-approved for hair removal on all skin types, providing peace of mind and ensuring your safety during the treatment process.
  5. Expert Care: At Citrine Med Spa, our experienced and highly trained professionals understand the nuances of laser hair removal and are dedicated to delivering optimal results. You can trust that you are in capable hands throughout your treatment journey.


If you’re seeking a safe, effective, and long-lasting solution for hair removal, laser hair removal with the Motus laser at Citrine Med Spa in Lincoln, Nebraska is the ultimate choice. With its advanced technology, painless experience, and unmatched safety for all skin types, the Motus laser sets the standard for laser hair removal excellence. Experience the convenience and confidence of smooth, hair-free skin by scheduling a consultation at Citrine Med Spa today. Our dedicated team of experts is ready to guide you through a transformative aesthetic journey, helping you achieve the results you desire.