A Guide to PHYSIQ Non-Surgical Body Sculpting

An amazing new body sculpting device has hit the market recently called PHYSIQ. This FDA-cleared, revolutionary treatment uses STEP technology (Sequential Thermal & Electrical Pulse) to reduce fat and tone muscle! 

After just six weeks of PHYSIQ treatments from Citrine Medspa, patients see significant tightening and toning results in their abdomen, legs, arms, buttocks, hips, back, and flanks.

If you’re a healthy adult who takes good care of their body but still suffer from stubborn diet-and-exercise-resistant fat bulges, notice poor muscle tone, or simply want to get over a plateau, PHYSIQ may be the treatment you’ve been searching for!

Using PHYSIQ, the experienced Citrine Medspa team can help you achieve the sleek, contoured body you’ve been dreaming of, all without surgery, needles, or any invasive techniques.

Who is an ideal candidate for PHYSIQ in Lincoln?

We find that the people who are most satisfied with this revolutionary non-invasive muscle building and fat burning procedure are health-conscious, active male and female adults. 

If you regularly exercise but you cannot seem to get rid of stubborn bulges or tone a certain area, treatments with PHYSIQ may be what you need to achieve your goals.

For those who have hit a frustrating workout plateau, PHYSIQ could be the extra push you need to get over the hump and reach the next level of your fitness journey! And honestly, who doesn’t want to chisel out washboard abs or give their booty a lift that would otherwise take months of focused exercise at the gym? 🙌

Additionally, athletes or those recovering from an injury may seek PHYSIQ treatments to strengthen weakened muscle groups. Postnatal women suffering from diastasis recti (abdominal separation that occurs during pregnancy) may also use PHYSIQ to reduce the appearance of the post-baby “pooch.”

Factors that may indicate you are not a PHYSIQ candidate include the presence of metal or electronic implants anywhere in your body (e.g. a pacemaker), those with a hernia or recent surgery near the treatment site, those with a history of muscle or cardiac issues, and pregnant or nursing women. If you’ve recently experienced a sunburn or had a lot of sun exposure, you should wait until your skin tone becomes normal again before getting treated. Your body sculpting specialist at Citrine Medspa will ensure you are a great fit for these treatments in your initial consultation

What areas does PHYSIQ treat?

PHYSIQ can tone and tighten your abdomen, buttocks, legs, arms, hips, flanks, and back. It’s a non-invasive body contouring and muscle building device in a class all its own—offering non-invasive butt lifts, six-pack abs, and stronger and more toned back and arms. It also eliminates love handles, stubborn “bra fat”, and so much more! 

After receiving PHYSIQ treatments, you’ll notice your shirts fit looser and look more flattering. Your jeans will feel better and your booty will turn heads 👀  You may even want to treat yourself to a shopping spree or find that your favorite clothing from years ago fits again, too!

What happens during a PHYSIQ treatment at Citrine Medspa?


Citrine Medspa offers in-depth consultations with our highly trained staff. This consultation allows us to explain the procedure in detail, understand your goals, set realistic expectations, create a customized body sculpting plan for your unique body and needs, and address any questions or concerns you have before treatment. 


There’s not much you need to do to prepare for your PHYSIQ treatment! Before coming to our Lincoln, NE office for your PHYSIQ appointment, you should shave the treatment area(s) as much as possible. We will discuss any other pre-appointment measures during your initial consultation with a PHYSIQ body sculpting specialist. 

Treatment Time

During a PHYSIQ session, you will lie on your back or stomach (depending on the treatment area) and your Citrine specialist will appropriately place the treatment paddles across the treatment area and secure them comfortably before turning on the device.

PHYSIQ comes equipped with unique patient control features and cooling technology that ensure optimal comfort during the treatment. Most patients feel warmth at the applicator site(s) but do not report any discomfort. You’re free to take a nap, watch Netflix, or read a book during your treatment!


Each PHYSIQ session lasts about 30 minutes. After we remove the treatment paddles, the area may feel warm for a few hours. Your Citrine body sculpting specialist will provide you with detailed post-care instructions and a special PHYSIQ body moisturizer to use twice daily between your treatments. We recommend patients avoid hot temperatures, like saunas, showers, or baths and excessive sun exposure for a day or two after a PHYSIQ treatment.

Can I expect any downtime or soreness from PHYSIQ treatments?

PHYSIQ treatments do not require any downtime! Besides lingering warmth or some mild muscle soreness (like you just finished a Pilates class 🏃‍♀️), you should experience no side effects and can feel comfortable returning to work or your other daily activities right away. Super easy, right?!

When will I notice the results?

After their first PHYSIQ session, our patients feel tangible results, like a more engaged core or stronger-feeling muscles. Visibly stronger and more defined muscles, along with fat loss, tend to appear in the weeks after the first series of treatments. The results will continue to improve for several months. Depending on your satisfaction with the results after your initial series of PHYSIQ treatments, we may recommend more body sculpting sessions to further enhance these results. 

So I need more than one PHYSIQ treatment?

Though each patient is unique and will receive a treatment plan tailored to their individual goals, we typically begin with a series of 5 treatments per area. 

How can I ensure my PHYSIQ results last?

PHYSIQ treatments put your muscles through a rigorous workout and trigger fat loss in those areas to give you more attractive contours. Just like the results of any other diet and exercise program, you can maintain these results through continued dieting and exercise. In that regard, PHYSIQ offers permanent results to those who maintain a healthy lifestyle following treatment. 

PHYSIQ treatments are not designed to replace going to the gym, however, and should be seen as a supplement to a healthy lifestyle or a way to get over a plateau—not as an excuse to abandon your workouts altogether. There are other health benefits (like reduction of blood sugar, blood pressure, HDL cholesterol, and stress) that you can only access through good old-fashioned exercise. The Citrine team recommends continuing your workout routine like normal, even while receiving PHYSIQ treatments, to safeguard these benefits. 

To ensure you’re getting the most longevity out of your PHYSIQ treatments at our Lincoln office, the Citrine Med Spa specialists recommend scheduling a maintenance treatment every 1 to 3 months (or as recommended) to sustain the effects of your treatments.

Are there any procedures offered at Citrine Medspa that complement PHYSIQ?

Whether you’re considering PHYSIQ treatments to look great before a big event like your wedding; you want to get a defined six-pack in time for spring break; or you simply want a stronger and more stable core, PHYSIQ can get you there! 

It is important to know that PHYSIQ is *not* considered a skin tightening treatment. If you have excess skin you’d like to address, you might pair your PHYSIQ treatments with RF microneedling or SkinTyte.

RF Microneedling

RF microneedling is a revolutionary body sculpting treatment that uses very small “micro” needles that penetrate to the depth of our choosing and release radiofrequency energy.

Microneedling with radiofrequency (RF) is a minimally-invasive combination that stimulates collagen production deep in the skin to tighten loose, sagging skin.

Besides tightening the skin, RF microneedling can address sun damage and other common signs of aging. Performing RF microneedling in a patient’s treatment plan helps us reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, scars, and stretch marks, too!

What is the difference between RF microneedling and traditional microneedling? 

Microneedling is also a popular treatment that uses multiple hair-fine needles to create micro-injuries in the skin. This stimulates the body’s own healing response, prompting your skin to produce collagen and elastin—the building blocks of healthy, youthful-looking skin. 

RF microneedling takes this process to a whole new level. This treatment heats the underlying layers of the skin to stimulate collagen and elastin production. This allows us to reach deeper layers of the skin than a traditional microneedling device, producing faster, more dramatic skin tightening results that last longer than microneedling alone.

When will I see results? 

Because the technique behind RF microneedling harnesses your body’s natural ability to produce collagen, results vary from person to person. However, most patients see improvement in 3 to 6 months after their last treatment.  

As with PHYSIQ and other aesthetic treatments, results are greatly influenced by your lifestyle, sun exposure, diet, and use of effective skin care products. That said, your aesthetician can personalize an at-home skincare regimen for you to help maintain your results long term. 

How many RF microneedling treatments do I need? 

As with most body sculpting treatments, every patient requires a unique approach. For optimal results, we may recommend a series of 3 or more treatments, each scheduled 4 to 6 weeks apart. 

During your initial consultation at our Lincoln, NE office, we will make a personalized recommendation for the number of RF microneedling treatments you need. Factors we consider include your overall skincare goals, lifestyle, and budget. 


SkinTyte is an infrared skin tightening procedure designed to target and lift loose, sagging skin in key areas of your body. Sagging skin can be a byproduct of aging, pregnancy, weight loss, and even genetics.

SkinTyte helps reduce mild sagging skin, crepey skin, and loose skin on virtually any area of the body! We most commonly treat patients’ lower face and neck, buttocks, thighs, arms, and abdomen. SkinTyte works by utilizing infrared light technology to heat dermal collagen deep within the skin. This heat triggers your body’s collagen to contract and coagulate and start the healing process, which tightens the skin. 

Benefits of SkinTyte treatments include:

  • Firmer skin
  • Boosted confidence
  • Better fitting clothes
  • No downtime or discomfort
  • Safe for all skin types
  • Improved skin quality

How deep into the skin does SkinTyte treat?

The SkinTyte device itself is not invasive. Rather, the energy it delivers heats deep into the skin’s dermal layers. 

Even though it can penetrate deep into the skin, there’s no downtime or recovery to worry about. Our patients come to our office and enjoy what they describe as a warm ultrasound massage. Following the treatment, the skin we treated may appear slightly red or pink, but this diminishes quickly. Otherwise, you can leave our office and continue your daily routine!

The skin tightening effects of SkinTyte do not appear immediately. It takes 4 to 6 months to notice smoother, tighter contours since it takes time for your body to produce new collagen. Most patients require 6 initial SkinTyte sessions to achieve their goals. Then, we recommend discussing follow up maintenance treatments with your body sculpting specialist at Citrine Medspa! 

Why visit Citrine Medspa for non surgical body sculpting in Lincoln?

When choosing the right place for body sculpting treatments, it is extremely important to select a medical aesthetic practice that has the highest client safety and clinical training standards. 

At Citrine Medspa, we only offer our clients treatment options that will be safe and effective for them, whether it’s PHYSIQ, BBL, injectables, or a different kind of cosmetic procedure. Dr. Ashley Fratello, a board-certified physician with extensive experience and training in offering aesthetic treatments also oversees our treatments.

Citrine is proud to be the premier medical spa in Lincoln. Trained aesthetic specialists perform our consultations and treatments, so you can rest assured knowing you are in the most skilled and practiced hands in the region.

Schedule your consultation for PHYSIQ in Lincoln, NE today!

If you would like to tone your muscles and burn fat with PHYSIQ, come to Citrine Medspa today. We can help you achieve your body goals!

We offer the latest technology in body sculpting and we want to help you treat your concerns to achieve results you can be proud of. 

Use our online virtual consultation tool to learn more about all our treatments or request an appointment today.

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